Thursday, January 26, 2012

Connor James

I wanted to get this blog going before Mr. Connor made an appearance but I just kept putting it off. He is a bit over five months old now, and I wanted to get up to speed!

I went to be induced on August 18th, 2011... at 9 in the morning. It was because of my size, and high blood pressure that they were a bit concerned about. I SO thought I'd have my son that day... boy, was I wrong. I had been on pitocin since around 9am, they broke my water at around 1am (going into the 19th now). I had not dilated past 4cm at noon on the 19th, so they gave me an hour break from the pitocin and started over. Mind you, I had been having INTENSE contractions since I got the pitocin the first time... the hour break was nice.

It was around 1am (going onto the 20th) that Doctors were starting to get scared for me... my temperature was getting up around 101F and I had gone no further with my dilation... I was getting sick. My water had been broken for 24 hours now... and they then decided, because of my fever, that emergency surgery was needed. This was what I wanted to avoid... but at this point I was like BRING ON THE SURGERY. The epidural was honestly the worst part of it all... it only took the anesthesiologist on the second poke to get it right. It felt like how rice crispies sound when you pour milk over them... it's the only way I could describe it.  This is a whole 'nother story but, I am allergic to iodine, and while I was getting my catheter, they put it on my lady parts... I was so, so angry and the nurse got scared once I told her what happened. I was already numb from the epi... but she tried to clean me up as good as could (I had bladder pain for weeks later because of this).

Anyway, I finally got to the operating room... it was awesome being numb, I was a floating head basically. The only thing I disliked was the shaking, I couldn't stop shaking. I didn't feel a thing while they were cutting me open, talked to my boyfriend about Harry Potter and other nerdery. Later, my boyfriend, Chris told me I had been going in and out of consciousnesses... I don't remember this, but he kept saying I was 'flat-lining'... I kept telling Chris to take pictures of what was going on. I really, really wanted to see the inside of my body, Chris was too nauseous to even try. haha

At 4:20 AM on August 20, 2011 - Connor James was born; 8lbs 2oz, 21 1/2 inches long. Except... he wasn't breathing.

They showed him to me for a second, but whisked him away. Apparently he wasn't doing too well with breathing on his own, they cleaned him up and brought him back out to me for maybe 2 minutes but they really wanted him back in the NICU. I didn't get to see him for another 2 hours. 

I never thought I could have kids, not really cared it I EVER had kids... any other time if I peed on a stick and it came out positive I would have been horrified. I was okay with being selfish, single and free. This is going to sound really cheesy, but you JUST KNOW. It's true, you just really know when it's time and I am truly lucky to have Connor in my life. I absolutely hated being pregnant though, so I am okay with Connor being my only child ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I saw the link to your blog from the bbc birth board, just wanted to say I totally wanted my husband to take a picture of my insides too! But he wouldn't even look. :(
